
World Maker Faire 2014


Check Out World Maker Faire New York 2014!
Project Example

Experience Our Toys

World Maker Faire New York 2014
Project Example

Love HugMatch Toys

World Maker Faire New York 2014
Project Example

Duck and Little Girl

World Maker Faire New York 2014
Project Example

Push to listen melodies

World Maker Faire New York 2014
Project Example

Sense of Touch

World Maker Faire New York 2014
Project Example

HugMatch Booth

World Maker Faire New York 2014
New york science of hall

HugMatch is an interactive toy for 2-5 year old visually impaired and non visually impaired children. It stimulates the senses that develop at this age. Children are entertained by toys made with different fabrics and toys that can make sound.


We have been selected as a Maker at Maker Faire for Arduino, Art and Design, Toys, Education, Kids category for HugMatch Interactive toy design for visually impaired children.